About Me

My name is Sanhi Sunny Jang. I was born in South Korea in 1982 and lived there until I graduate. After that, I moved to Thailand in 2006. My journey started from then.

I got a job at the hotel in Koh Lanta for a 1-year contract. I barely know about Thailand at that time but it took not even half a year that Thailand made me fall in love with itself.

I just loved everything, Thai Food, Beautiful Nature, and Thai People.

The best one was a SMILE. Everyone was smiling for no reason! I thought at the beginning, ‘Are they laugh at me or look down on me or what?’

How could I think like this negative? Easy, I came from a city where heavy competition is all around. You needed to be the TOP 1 to survive in my country. Anyway, it didn’t take long for me to understand that the smile is the real pure smile from the warm hearts of Thai people. After that, I decided to settle down in this country called Thailand without a second thought. It was 2007.

I am writing this on the 1st day of 2021. What about now? Do I have any second thoughts or mind changed?

I learned a lot more and deeper about Thailand, Thai People, Thai Culture, Thai Language for more than a decade. Many years pass, but I am still falling in love with exactly the same things. And a surprise?! I got one thing from Thailand too, it’s a SMILE! I am smiling for no reason like people here are. Because I love this country, I love these people, and I am truly happy here.

Are you looking for your happiness? Why not fly over and feel it here? Love and Happiness are not far away, they are always in you. You just need to pull them out from your hidden box. Live Happily! Carpe Diem!

with Love,

Sunny J

1 Jan 2021